602 Federal Bldg 110 Michigan St. NW Grand Rapids MI 49503
Office Phone: (616) 456-2687
Transcript Requests Only
Jean Ann (Genevieve) Hamlin, Court Reporter Phone: (517) 881-9582 Email: jeanann_hamlin@miwd.uscourts.gov
(E-filing questions should be addressed to the ECF Help Desk, available at (800) 290-2742, (616) 456-2206 or via ecfhelp@miwd.uscourts.gov.)
The United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan has installed electronic evidence presentation equipment in the courtrooms of all Article III Judges. All systems allow for the projections of evidence throughout the courtroom on monitors and/or large projections screens. The courtroom of Judge Jane Beckering in Grand Rapids utilizes monitors inside the jury box and a large projection screen on the wall across from the jury box along with monitors on the witness stand, the lectern, the counsel tables and the upper and lower bench areas. The monitors on the witness stand and the lectern are annotation monitors which allow presented evidence to be annotated by the witness or counsel.
All courtrooms also have assisted listening systems. These systems include devices that can be used in addition to hearing aids or in place of hearing aids. The devices are compatible with hearing loop equipped hearing aids.
The Court strongly encourages counsel to take advantage of the courtroom equipment. Counsel planning to use the equipment are encouraged to contact the court well in advance of their court proceeding to inquire about training and practice sessions. Practice sessions and testing of the equipment must occur prior to the day of a scheduled court appearance, as the courtroom and court staff will not be available for that purpose on the day of the proceeding.
For addtional information please contact the court at courttech@miwd.uscourts.gov.
Civil Guidelines
Criminal Guidelines