Updated March 4, 2022
All of our court locations are conducting regular business in accordance with CDC Covid-19 guidelines, to the extent practicable. In some situations, there may be less social distancing than the CDC currently recommends. In accordance with current CDC recommendations and guidance from the General Services Administration (GSA), facial coverings are currently optional for all individuals reporting to federal courthouses located within the Western District of Michigan.
Potential jurors who have been summoned for an upcoming term of service should complete the questionnaires as instructed and anticipate reporting in person at least once during their term. Please note that trials may extend beyond the end of a term.
Once questionnaires are completed, requests to be deferred to a later date or excused from jury service entirely must be submitted through our website or as indicated on the back of the summons form. All excuse requests (other than those submitted by participants over age 70) will be reviewed and decided by a federal judge. Until notified of a decision, potential jurors should continue to check for their reporting instructions. Jurors should not wait until they have been notified to appear for a selection before requesting a deferment or excusal.
Bottled water and individually packaged light refreshments will be provided on jury selection days. Jurors are permitted to bring their own snack or sack lunch when reporting for jury service. An insulated lunch bag is recommended as we cannot guarantee refrigeration.
All jurors should expect airport-style screening when reporting to a federal courthouse with all persons and bags subject to search. Cell phones are permitted for jurors upon presentation of summons or juror badge. Phones must remain off or on silent in all courtrooms.
If you have misplaced or never received your summons form or have other questions/concerns regarding your jury duty, please call the Jury Assist Line at (800) 446-8713.