eJuror (Click Here to Respond Online or Check Your Reporting Status)
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Tips for Completing Your Juror Qualification Questionnaire
Instructional eJuror Video
Video - Jury Overview
Video - Jury Service, Hands-On Justice
- Complete the questionnaire.
- Federal law requires that you complete a Juror Qualification Questionnaire within TEN DAYS of receiving your summons. Submit your answers online using our secure electronic jury system, eJuror.
- Confirm your status and receive your reporting instructions.
- Beginning after 12:00 noon the Friday before the date indicated on your summons, you must confirm your reporting instructions via eJuror or by calling 1-800-553-6050. You will need to enter your 9-digit participant number above to access your information.
- Continue to check in.
- Check your status via phone or eJuror until you are instructed to report or informed that your service term is over.
- Report to jury duty when instructed to do so.
- All jury selections will be held in the division indicated on your summons with the trial held in the same location. Directions to the courthouse are on the back of the summons or are available here. Please note that all persons and their belongings are subject to security screening when entering this courthouse. You will be required to present one form of photo identification.